Thursday, December 8, 2016

Colby C. Wang, Rat Bastard. AKA Colby "Now fired!" Wang.

This particular item (see below, article Dateline: December 2016) was drafted by associate staff of PJ Reed The Arizona State Hospital and Patient Abuse ( at the tail end of founding author PJ Reed's treatment in Montana's respective sole long term public mental health care facility. As such, the following was originally published November 14, 2016 in that Arizona focused publication. A brief note attached to the provided  draft materials read as follows: 

Hey kids! Well, no suprise at this juncture of the shit storm that I am encountering up here in Big Sky country (home of the highest suicide rate in the nation- AGAIN!) is way spookily similar to ASH, including stomach churning wrongdoing that extends well beyond the unit I am on, which as you know underlies the premise of my recently suggested blog project, or more succinctly speaking, the unit that I was unlawfully forced onto as a matter of overt retaliation that to date has been condoned and in fact endorsed by the Hospital's still wet behind the ears current CEO, Jay Pottenger. Another Cory Nelson in the making? We shall see. Equally disturbing and I will have to cut it short because I and all MSH patients get uber-limited internet time, my begrudged investigation via self-advocacy into the role that this facility's "Patient Grievance Committee" plays in furthering the violations of patient rights as matter of standard practice. It's looking pretty grim on my end, but... that's ok. Been here done it. 

Also, take a look and disperse the following however you deem fit in my absence. 

"Senate President asks for audit looking into claims of waste, fraud, abuse in state agency."  
               Lee Newspapers/State Bureau October 20, 2016

Classic "Couldn't make this shit up if I had to" material, ala the old days, yes? Ok then. Keep it up. Stay in touch with Moses and Biscobing. And as always, thanks. I am all kisses sent your way....   

Dateline: December, 2016.
RE: Montana State Hospital, Warm Springs, MT.

Montana's Forgotten Suicides.
The Montana State Hospital, Montana media,
and cowboy culture.

This, the new blog, soon to come,

This still to be formally founded blog project will take a concerted look at the plain fact that for decades, the state of Montana has either been one of if not the one state with the highest rate of suicide rate in the nation. A very distubing status that Montana yet again achieved in 2015: Numero Uno. This fact in itself has attracted more then a reasonable degree of attention from Montana media, but not in such a manner that there has ever been serious consideration for the causations underlying this specific history. It is one thing to highlight variously emergent resources available to the public when it comes to suicide, as in Hotline numbers and governor sponsored contact information in the context, but another thing altogether to take on the task of exploring just why in the hell Montana has for so long been the site of this issue. 

I am writing this from Montana's only long term public mental hospital, 
MT State Hospital at Warm Springs. Where I have witnessed a revolving door policy and obviously pre-mature discharges on a near daily basis. Fair enough to claim as managing Hospital staff love to that this is a positive reflection on the theme of not keeping folks here any longer then necessary. But what I have seen falls well short of this in terms of actual benefit to at lease some of the client-patients so affected. 

In later articles, we the staff of PJ Reed The Arizona State Hospital and Patient Abuse will detail this issue more throughly in our upcoming blog project.

Montana's Forgotten Suicides. Montana State Hospital, Montana media, and cowboy culture.

But for the moment, given that I am in the state with a suicide rate that is twice that of the national average, consider the plain fact that with suicide in mind and the direct risk that pre-mature discharges most necessarily play in contributing to this crisis, what we are looking at here in Montana is a publically funded health care system incapable of meeting its obligations in a context of improving the matter as it stands. An issue most loudly reflected by the operational practices of Montana's state mental hospital.

It is that obvious. It is that bad.

And even when the state's primary media resources, who eagerly publish articles not about meaningful investigation into the deeper story (as in why why why how how how is this so?),  were provided with jump start material to go after this nature of investigation, they backed off like a pack of sneering hyenas.

Afraid, most likely, of shaking up the status quo hereabouts; journalism gone bad. Again. 100% on point with Arizona's primary newspaper, The Arizona Republic, circa 2011-12. Abject dereliction of journalistic duty when irrefutable data about abuses of one of America's most at-risk and vulnerable to negligence etc. is literally placed in the lap of news sources. 

That's how we see it, at least, and that's why we do what we do, in fact. Yep.

In this regard, the staff of PJ Reed The Arizona State Hospital and Patient Abuse will again do whatever it takes to delve into the matter as it still stands, with particular regard for recently exposed and still emerging corruption in the state of Montana's overall public health care system, and the associated fact that funding specific to mental health services lags far behind services in other areas of health care. 

And as personified in well known Montana traditon, the relationship that the pull your up by your own bootstraps mentality of traditional Montana cultural mentality plays in furthering indifference and neglect that undeniably contributes to this ongoing crisis as it still stands in 2016. We have our work to do, yes, but already we can see as bright as day that this is going to be one monster of a good story.

A story beginning with the sordid presence of one:

Colby C. Wang, MD

Or, more succinctly:

Colby "Now Fired!" Wang

As it should be. And should have been. Because it was a good 18-19 months ago that this Rat Bastard was identified as who and what he is. In relation to which we the BLOG took good faith action is seeking to draw the attention of Wang's employer, The Montana State Hospital. And, as usual in terms of how this always goes (quite frankly), because those individuals employed at said hospital and most in a position to remedy the matter blatantly refused to do the right thing when they originally should have. Thus permitting the harmful impacts of Wang's
 ineptitide and associated abuse of his entrusted authority to continue unabated for that period of time, until we the BLOG were forced to go through it all over again.

And while we are still researching to precise stick that broke the proverbial camel's back in this particular debacle, the plain fact is, that this doctor met his fate in direct relation to the filings we the BLOG submitted to Montana Department of Health and Human Services. That's right. Sometime in late October, 2016, Wang was fired. Thus earning this new writing projects first official nickname.

                              Colby "Now fired!" Wang

First encountered in early summer, 2015, yet another highly questionable licensed psychiatrist employed in one the nation's various state hospitals, The Montana State Hospital (MSH), Warm Springs, MT, this man accrued an investigative file no less then 2.5" thick and maintained by the good folks with Montana Disability Rights, a non-profit entity required by federal law to investigate reports of violations under state and federal law in the context of disabiity.  This record was complied during the entirety of his seventeen months of employ in Montana, beginning with his being hired by the Montana Department of Health and Human Services and appointed as a primary care physician at MSH, and his finally being fired in October, 2016. But only after the unwillingess of Hospital officials to do the right thing when they first had clear eveidence to the effect. Which is where we come in. We are still amassing out data base and associated evidential materials about the the particular Rat Bastard's now proven ineptitude, but to date there is no shortage of this stuff.

Because somebody had to do something. And nobody else would. 

Indeed, as in Arizona, we are today doing this on behalf of persons affected by serious mental illness across the board, in Montana and beyond, because- you guessed it- somebody has to. Sadly, but not suprisingly, over the last eighteen months we have sought to compel a number of Montana based mental health care advocacy resources to take a good hard look at this state's sole long term public mental health care facility. Only to find- again, just as we did in Arizona circa 2010 and on into 2015- that none of the state employed individuals best able to have addressed this Rat Bastard's misconduct refused to do so.

Putting it on us.

As famed author Clifford W. Beers put it in his seminal text, A Mind That Found Itself  (first publication 1905): 

"Point me to injustice, and let me do the rest."

This article must remain short, for we are still setting up out new office, but it should serve to give fair warning to what comeing next in terms of PJ Reed The Arizona State Hospital and Patient Abuse's newest investigative project.

IN CLOSING: By the way, "Dr." Wang. You can run. But you can't hide. Welcome to the realm of guerrilla journalism, asshole.

See you in court.
Chief Culprits. (And that's putting it mildly)

First impressions in 3 words/terms or less, December, 2016. (This is not an article... Ha! We love the spirit of guerrilla journalism.... Pretty much do whatever we want, so long as it's sound information.)

Carly Hillenbrand, Phd. level nurse  praticioner.
       Inexperienced... Naive'.... Vulnerable.

Sarah McDonald, Social worker.
       Typical... Patent liar....

Colby "Now fired!" Wang, MD.
       Rogue... Dimwit... Unemployed.

Richard Holt, MD.
       Egoist... Run of the mill... Doofus.

Kristen Sparks, MD.
These thoughts to be elaborated upon at a later date. At our convenience. (Again, indy freelance journalism, gotta' love it.) Along with other thoughts, about other centrally involved figures, and so on.